In Poland every four years citizens elect local authorities to communes, districts, voivodships and municipalities. It is a vital process having a significant influence on further cooperation between citizens and the chosen local governmental bodies. The last voting for local government were held in Poland in November 2014.
The Polish Allotment Gardens Federation, teamed up with political parties and electoral committees, and significantly engaged in the election campaign, also by proposing a large group of its own candidates – the gardeners.
This approach has brought measurable effects; the results of the local government elections showed that the candidates of the allotment’s community received a significant amount of mandates. The gardeners got in total 418 mandates. 79 gardeners were chosen to fulfill their mandate in the local government bodies and 339 gardeners were chosen to other levels of local government bodies. These functions were: two vice-marshals, two chairmen of the voivodships seyms, three starosts and three vice-starosts, three chairmen and six vice-chairmen of the districts councils, four city presidents and three city vice-presidents, fourteen district prefects and four district vice-prefects, sixteen chairmen and thirteen vice-chairmen of the municipalities councils, four chairmen and one vice-chairman of the communes councils, and one mayor.
This result is a success of the Polish Allotment Gardens Federation and it is a proof of its importance. It shows maturity, awareness and responsibility of the candidates, the Polish Allotment Gardens Federation and the gardeners, but also the social esteem, which Polish Federation received.
The Polish Allotment Gardens Federation is willing now to translate its success into real and close cooperation with chosen local governments for the benefit of the gardeners and allotment gardens; also by seeking financial support from local governments for development of the gardens. In addition, the Polish Allotment Gardens Federation will try to use its experience gained during the last election campaign for any future elections in order to broaden the participation of gardeners in the voting, as well as to increase the number of allotment community representatives selected to the local authority bodies.
Aneta Łukaszewicz
Krajowa Rada PZD
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